Database of Neo-Latin Epic Poems


The epic genre is a highly productive one in Neo-Latin literature. This page intends to provide an overview of Neo-Latin epic poems.

As of now, the 'database' is a JSON-file (Schema) that provides basic information on the text,

Particular attention is paid to references to authority files (esp. Wikidata), both for people and subjects.

A quick note on the definition of 'epic' used in this context: The database has adopted a very inclusive definition, as it is easier to filter texts 'on the fringe' (e.g. epyllia) in the database than find them if they are not there.

A bibliography on Neo-Latin epic poetry is maintained in the following Zotero Group.


HERE you can find a more readable version of the json file. It is for the moment just a makeshift with no functionality whatsoever.


Help is very much appreciated! If you want to add a title, open an Issue, create a Pull Request, or drop me a line.

A great digital ressource for epic poetry from German-speaking countries both in Latin and in the vernacular is the Heidelberg Epic Verse Poems of the 'Long' 17th Century (1570-1740) in the German Cultural Area. Literary-historical repertory and bibliographic database.


Database developed and maintained by Alexander Winkler ORCID logo

To the extent possible under law, Alexander Winkler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Database of Neo-Latin Epic Poetry. This work is published from: Germany.